Endorsement of our work

Dr. Richard Bandler
– Dr. Richard Bandler

John La Valle
The training programs at Alphastars Academy of Excellence conducted by Siri G P Khalsa and Sat P Singh Khalsa are true to their name.
Excellence is what they strive for in their training and in the results they strive to achieve for each of their clients. Whether it is in their Practitioner and Master Practitioner seminars, or their business coaching excellence is their target. They are innovative in using their skills to build models of excellence such as their BestLife NLP Model. I have known them since they have become trainers with the Society of NLP and their level of devotion to their students success is high. They know how to get results and to help their students achieve the best they can be and beyond what they thought was even possible.
– John La Valle

Kathleen La Valle
Siri G P Khalsa and Sat P Singh Khalsa are two wonderful trainers in their own rights and when you put them together as a team it only gets better. I appreciate their level of devotion and dedication to their students and to perpetuating the high level of quality that can only be gotten in a Society of NLP – Dr. Richard Bandler training institute. Siri and Sat stay up to date on their skills. When Sat told me about his term he coined “Humorrupts”, the process of using a humorous pattern interupt, I smiled knowing how much fun the students must have while they achieve the skills that more than they ever could have imagined. If you are looking for a training team in India for NLP or business coaching, contact Siri and Sat and learn more about their opportunities for you.
– Kathleen La Valle