7 Days BestLife NLP Practitioner Training

What is so special about BEST-Life NLP
This is a 7 days’ workshop meant to help you grow from the ordinary or successful to be an Outstanding Individual in any capacity you desire. Delivered in a very unique, fulfilled and practical manner, it is a blend of Best-Life Practices adopted from the heart of Indian sciences. with Original Version of NLP to Achieve the Best in life. While you learn skills of Neuro-Linguistic Programing, you also undergo unimaginable transformation.
This will Transform Operating Patterns of mind, that determines your behaviours and responses, with BEST-Life NLP Technology (TOP with BEST Life using NLP Technology
Come and directly experience what separates the Best from the Rest. Learn from the Gurus of Excellence Siri and sat Khalsa.
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is becoming consciously aware of auto-running programs and ingrained patterns, the way they naturally function in your Whole Brain-Neurology. Some of the useful Patterns lead you to success. It is worth capturing these pieces, de-coding, modifying their structure and re-installing them to get excellence. It is like adding flavors to your recipe of success.
Other unproductive programs that makes you hopeless and helpless. Isolating such programs, interrupting and re-coding replacing with newly coded certainty to become additionally able, superior and better in life.
The missing and new programs can be observed, modeled and absorbed deep in your psyche and unconscious to gain edge, grow and progress in life. You can pick and choose new recipe and have more taste in life.
Something amazing about you is that inside your head and thinking, you are systematically processing and perfectly responding to the world. Your inner world realty is made of images, sounds and feelings and you give meaning to them. With Bestlife NLP you create BEST and useful realty to get the BEST you want in life.
Make series of best and conscious useful choices in life.
Attain excellence and get the best possible in life.
Live Truly such an Extraordinary Life you need to Take full Charge, enthuse Ability to exercise Total Control and continuously Accomplish Goals. Live Enchanting Relationships giving their Dues and Time. Balancing Factors of Healthy Lifestyle operating Centrally amounting to Surplus and Abundant Wealth.

Shorter Training ??? So if you take piece meal training of lesser duration, with no assured dove tailing with certification or Land up with less experienced/inexperienced trainers. Do not check authenticity, who signs the certificate. Give no attention to the Process of Certification. Get trapped in marketing gimmicks. You give no attention, since how many years they exist. Somehow you end up in wasting time and money. Do you want this to happen for you?
Do not leave yourself to chances and probabilities.Go for Possibility and Certainty. Take a solid prideful decision that thrills you whole life.
We present a Well-Researched, Proven and Working BestLife NLP Training Model.
Best Life NLP Training is carefully designed to instills in you a new level of confidence that requires no further coaching from any source and you Auto-Operate with Self Sufficiency. Yet you interest to reinforce specific skills, walk in any workshop in any location for specific skill installation for FREE.

Full Training is Facilitated by:
The Best Experienced amazing Trainers Sat and Siri!

“These trainers are more than NLP teachers. They have the Heart, Mind, Spirit & Determination to spread Joy as well as Skill into the Evolutionary process. Learn from them and know more”
– Dr. Richard Bandler’s words about Sat and Siri
Sat and Siri are Best Known in India and the world over, being Licensed and Trained and groomed by the co-creator of NLP Dr.Richard Bandler. All this is aimed to Make Your Life Great!

Sat and Siri have taken training with NLP Top Motivational Guru, Anthony Robbins, Master Trainers John La Valle, Specialist Business NLP and President of Society of NLP USA and Master Trainer Kathleen La Valle with specialization in the corporate world.
Make a Choice to Experience the Delight of being a part of BestLife NLP Training and with us. People from diverse field such as Business Heads, Trainers, Marketing, Law, Finance, Sales, Media, Performing and Contemporary Art, Sports, Defense, IT and Trading etc. stand tall and become visible by strengthening there capabilities and skills and make quantum jump to much higher place in their respective fields.
On becoming BestLife NLP Practitioner:
Demonstrate wisest and strongest ‘Muscle Power’, the ability to flex your tongue – perhaps the versatile softest-hardest muscle and modulating voice organ. How do you sound matters more than what you say. Qualify flexi-communicator’s skill-full-ability to impress and convince any one.
Become Freedom-Fighter to set yourself free from emotional breakdowns.
- Charge your self with fuel of motivational energy to accelerate to Hi-octane Performance state in moments, when you need to.
- Demystify personal secrets, how you get success programs somewhere. Apply these programs across all contexts. Switch on Auto Achievement Program, See the magic happening. (Actually a Strategy.)
- Put Horse of your leadership before the Cart, Pace and Lead people to Support, Share Vision and be a part of your Goal Achievement Agenda.
- Address the UnConscious of others, move past resistance and objections.
- Learn to swiftly get into a Flow State, be Calm, and place time on palms. Watch with awareness the preciousness of Time, jewel of life. Do not panic or stressfully tighten the grip on Sand Like time, it will slip or pour out of your hands. Feel before it goes. Manage your state to make most of limited Time. Learn to Let Go, Live well.
- De-code ‘the natural way’ how brain gets programmed and behave in odd ways. Program before time using the same ‘natural ability’ go get the predefined outcome. Intelligently achieve more.
- Become Ghost Buster. Give Ghost of Fear, Phobia and temptation a run. Digitally make quantum shift to Re-Frame negative into Positive.
- Collapse limiting beliefs like Nut-Shell-Cracker, adopt belief breaking pattern tactics re-patterns a Enabling Belief. Go far ahead than you earlier thought was impossible for you.
- Day dawns and your life is set to bring in bigger pies of success and while you sleep, the UnConscious is set to make all the necessary changes and finer adjustments in manner that every next transaction and interaction pleasantly surprises you.
Architect the BestLife,
Take Project Self-Beautification

Life is mix of variety in emotions; you need different lenses, at times to convex and magnify the look at life’s good moments as bigger and brighter, colorful and exciting. Other times you require concaving and distancing the bad or less wanted episodes of life to make them go far away and even disappear.
You get a pack of skills, wide range of lenses, to advantageously and positively hallucinate, be an Architect of life, places all things in the subjectivity of mind to make a blue print of beautification.
You have already imagined the BestLife, let NLP makes this happen.
While on Track of Life
Being a BestLife NLP Practitioner

Just for a moment imagine , how would you look and feel like when you successfully Bail out troubling relationship – in matter of moments. Enjoy sense of relief.
So much good to Find Solution and soften the hardest taken stand by others. You infuse calmness.
Allowing that you learn as BestLife NLP Practitioner, how quickly you develop a real solution-focused strategy for any long-standing unresolved issue.
Continuously become irresistibly persuasive to win over others without making them feel a sense of loss.
Use wisdom and Elegance in your communication style, Make people trance-fixed when you address them. Charismatically Give peoples a direction they cannot deny to follow.
Celebrating BestLife NLP Training on Cards
It is like waiting to Celebrate a Festival of Choice Diwali, Christmas, Eid or arriving New Year, May be when you Champion a Party or Jam Session on weekend. How you welcome Celebration? Get excited and Joyous waiting for golden festivity in life!!!
Feelings are no different than that of Certainty of Celebration on a certain day when you think of ‘the day’ you are enrolling BestLife NLP Training now on any of the finalized dates we have for you in all major cities.
So how does certainty of festivity bring inside you certain playful emotion to prepare in a most passionate manner as you feel something different inside, rising happiness, sense of elation and devotion.
Colors of festivity and different lights like twinkling stars, your eyes too have a sparkle and music of your choice go on non-stop, you just can’t stop humming.
Everywhere life filled with hope, confidence, joy and creativity flowing in endless stream in all of your deals, meetings and leading team in an outstanding impeccability reflecting in wholesome life turning into a profitable venture and master piece of Excellence.
Deciding to take up the BestLife NLP Training is a package full of delight, Certainty and Celebration for sure to happen in your life.
Have you ever experienced a sense of Pleasant Surprise in waiting? when someone sent you something delightful and messaged you. it is coming through FeDex. How certain is Celebration in Waiting when BestLife NLP is on card and all the changes you otherwise thought impossible.
Decide the festivity in certainty.
The making of BestLife NLP Practitioner
First thing First on the First day the First in row of Top International Trainers Sat and Siri , NLP Top Gurus, begin Conversationally addressing the UnConscious to pour out in your Conscious, the imprints of Well-Structured Patterns in a Systematic manner, stacked for years. Just in a moment thickly deposited unproductive layers start falling off. Many have witnessed fears and limitation dropping while induction. This model of NLP is a gift of co-creator of NLP Dr. Richard Bandler, a ferocious modeler of Excellence in humanity and exclusive to trainers Licensed by him to use ever renewing Bandler’s Technologies. The fruit of the day is getting good at Locating, Diffusing and Interrupting UnProductive. UnUseful UnConscious Patterns.Learning of Day 1 are never over.
Spatial Anchoring and Modeling a Role exhibiting excellence, before day 2 is over, make finest adjustments, in respond to unfavorable situation come naturally gushing in. Touch Anchoring that Stacks multiple resourcing and Perfecting Perception while Changing angle bring Attitudinal Paradigm makes Mega Shifts while gift of Day 2 thrills you as Rapport to instantly connect with people make a headway in Achieving Larger than Life size Goal become so small a thing.
Propulsion System gets Super Charged up for High Octane PerformanceUnConscious thinking of other gets into your Full Awareness to leverage whole-hearted support by Day 3 you are readyto Lead anyone and masses to Get the Goals you Want.
Make Change Happens in the heart of program, day 4 is dedicated to Life Time Transformationfiner distinction of inner representation causing Grosser Change to Occur on demand. Strategy of Execution operating in the background of mind,comes to foreground to duplicate and multiply. Digital Swish to push the Unwanted .
Day 5, Destroys poor Beliefs, Patterning a Brand New System to enthuse Conviction and become Hall Mark of Excellence. Linguistic Pattern of Milton is Ambiguous yet Command Perfectly. Become a ‘Suggestions Master’ in your day-to-day affairs. Enthrall people with your sound of voice. Hypnotic Patterns are not only for therapists. Business and Home relationships intoxicate life.
Day 6, takeadip inthe Ocean of Resources, sharpen double-edged sword. On one side immense artistry in Linguistic Patterning and in the other mind planting metaphors to grow resourcefulness. Using brand Anchor and deepening trance all become handy with Intense Altered states, Chaining States and Weaving Strategiesin the very Fabric of mind. Day continues with Collapsing Multiple Time Associates Anchor. Fusion of two or more Powerful states metamorphosing Power Balance.
Meta Modeling others world of realty with depth of understanding happens on Day 7. Cycle is completing and emotions up beat as time here after is life bringing many test and you have newly acquired finest ability to pass in all conditions of life. Super Natural like Strategic Abilities Spread in youWhole Brain colored. Recovering and creating Deletions, Distortions and Generalistionwith Power Presupposition at your behest is BestLife NLP Practitioner, Achieve the Best everywhere.
“As you Take BestLife NLP Practitioner Training
you become member of Dr. Richard Bandler’s Society of NLP – SNLP
and SNLP Certified NLP Practitioner ”
How we Extend After Support !!
After 7 Days of NLP Training and Certification is over.Then Siri takes over from Sat to provide UnConditional Support and keep you connected together. Her charm to infuse happiness and knowledge put into limelight of Practice is personal passion. With active networks of more then 2000, add to it 15 plus every month more of Certified NLP and Master Practitioners from all walks of life Engineer, Executives, IT, Finance, CEO, Business Heads, Directors, Doctors, Lawyers, IAS, IPS, Entrepreneur , Creative Heads, Design Consultants, Fashion, Retails, FMCG, Banking, Professors, Deans and writers etc. you get all kind of assistance along with Life Time Free support a big added advantage with Sat, Siri and Alphastars Academy of Excellence.
Many opt for 8 days Master Level NLP Certification
Following Few of Thousand
Stands Testimony to FREE Support
Check with
- RituKalra- HR Head,
- Hajeet Singh – Entrepreneur, S
- antoshShetty – Manufacturing Business,
- Vandana – Corporate Life Coach,
- Kaavya Gupta – Corporate OD.
- Dr, HS Chabbra – Medical Director,
- Devan – Out Bound Specialist,
- Sapana – IAS Aspirant,
- DwarkaNath – Director HR,
- Mukund – Global HR Head,
- Dr. Suresh Purohit – Top Diabetes Cure Specialist,
- Sushma Jain – NLP and Wellbeing Coach,
- Anjalee- CA,
- Eshwar – IPS Aspirant
Read More…
Few of the Things Worth Mentioning:
We have put the contents you will get enriched with in a very simple format for your understanding. However, what is important is, the way we present an integrated model as you learn these techniques. Believe it, no one teaches the way we do.
- Sharpen your ability to sense others. Develop Sensory Acuity- make others keep guessing how you possess ‘Extra Sharpened Perception’ to respond accurately.
- Notice the obvious things in others. 90% people keep searching the obvious but miss it.
- Learn to see through the others mind, hear what they want to say but hold just before they say and feel with greater sensitivity.
- Have heightened awareness when you need it-Improve Uptime.
- Get in touch with your Intuition
- Neurological Intuition- Get insight of others thinking.
- 3 Fundamentals that make any one good in NLP
- Strategy to create ‘New Map of Reality’ and use the ‘Present Map of Reality’. Set new direction of life.
- Develop behavioral flexibility by matching and mirroring the verbal and non-verbal cues.
- Bring others to get align with your thoughts, belief and attitude. Strike gold by using ‘Rapport’ and winning ‘Trust’.
- Predict others thought structure by accurately using ‘Eye Accessing Cues.’
- Conditions that increase possibility to achieve any goal to nearly 100%.
- TOTE Strategy to ascertain the quality of outcome and accuracy of direction.
- Feed back Design System to successfully carry out any change work elegantly.
- 3 evidence based questions that literally make things clear and add thrill to the journey to achieve any goal.
- Meta Model-using question that make invisible the visible and alter randomly placed thought into organized chunks of information.
- Meta Model Coaching to loosen tightly held thoughts and ideas and change belief structure.
- Pace-Lead Strategy: Connect and bond to bring anybody to same wave length and have them appreciate your point of view.
- Altered State of consciousness to distract the conscious and actively engage the unconscious.
- Using the Tonal Power to dig into unconscious and persuasively bring people to agreement.
- Using power of breath to manage the thought process and induce context independent
- Bodywork techniques to release cellular memories and clean deeply held emotions.
- Calibration Skills: measure the minutest and ‘type’ of change happening in your people.
- Set unconscious yes/no signals and covertly use it to track accuracy and quantum of success.
- Chaining States: turn negative feelings such as confusion, fear, anxiety and hopelessness straight into clarity, creativity and confidence.
- Use ‘little voice modeling’ technique to induce anyone into relaxed state.
- Play ‘poker of joy’-Use ‘rejection handling’ strategy to become bold and courageous in difficult situations.
- Learn stacking the natural resourceful states and artfully use it in the time when going gets tough. you keep going.
- Bandler’s unique Phobia Cure model, which has liberated countless people from crippling panic and fear. You will become known for coaching people out of their bondages.
- Linguistic Patterns of greatest hypnotist Milton Erickson, popularly known as Milton Model, and how to induce trance covertly and consciously both.
- Using Milton Model as it applies to common man way of communication and professional presentations. Set new direction for your people make them access pool of infinite resources.
- Strengthen the fabric of resources at unconscious level using ‘stories, metaphors and similes.’
- Learn famous ‘Yes” pattern and make people to choose yes more than ever before. Even in most complex situation this strategy gives you hope.
- Double up your strengths and happiness automatically and effortlessly; achieve the best with what you have.
- Anchoring – associate resourcefulness to a ‘stimulus’ of your choice and bring others to desired state in an instant, without even letting others know how it happened.
- Find how being Linguistically Ambiguous can make radical shift in interrupting unproductive patterns at unconscious level. Become ‘Suggestion Designer’ using this powerful tool.
- Be the master of ‘Embedded Command’ communicate deeply and most effectively giving others a feeling of ‘ you are making fun’. Yet in reality you are changing the course of their thinking.
- Set frames like ‘Socrates’ and ‘Reframe’ any situation to get the best from any situation.
- Capture, de-code and install patterns of excellence. Model new strategies.
- Use timeline to change the bad feelings of past and infuse future with hope and ecstasy.
NLP tools help you to deal with Professional, Personal and Relationship aspects of life joyfully and with inner delight.