22 Jun 2015

Leadership is one of the most widely researched, discussed and engrossing topics in human history, yet it continues to be confusing and elusive to many of us. But leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want. It’s all about encouraging others to put efforts for the task you want to accomplish.


“True leaders do not drive people but lead.”


You need an array of skills that are particularly well-suited to times of change and challenge. Here are 10 of them that I recommend.

Listening is an Art:

“Leadership is a combination of talking and listening. If you must be without one, be without talking.”


Knowledge and wisdom don’t just come from peers, they can come from anywhere at anytime, but only if you’re willing to listen. Listening skills are critical to effective leadership. Expand your sphere of influence, and try to listen and learn from those with different perspectives and experiences. Listening to others rather than endlessly debating, taking the time to hear and learn from others, and asking for feedback are ultimately the keys to success.


Empowerment Leads to Change:

“Your Candle Loses Nothing When It Lights Another”


Put people first, support their independence, give them space. Instead of telling how to do things, tell them what to do? Give them opportunity and reasons to stretch out on their own and even lead others. Show them hope, encourage them to do things.


Appreciation Leads To Success :

“Cultivate the habit of playing down the ‘I’ and playing up the ‘YOU’”


Develop a habit of saying thank you to people. People like to feel special. They enjoy being recognized for their actions, so without expecting anything in return sincerely compliment them.

Acknowledge the work that everyone has dedicated and commend them on each of their efforts.

If you truly appreciate those around you, you’ll soon find many around you.


Devotion/Commitment :

“A good leader is committed to excellence.”


People respond  more openly to a person of passion and dedication. Leaders should be enthusiastic about their work or cause and also about their role as leader.


Empathy Is Better Than Sympathy:

When you are offended at any other person’s fault, turn to yourself and study your own failings. Before telling others their faults just put yourself into their shoes.

Creating a  bond with people makes it less likely that personal issues and resentment can creep in and derail the group. When they know that you are empathetic to their concerns, they will understand your perspective rather than foster negative feelings.


Give Respect, Take Respect:

Treating others with respect will ultimately earn respect.  If you show respect to people, complimenting them on their successes and thanking them for their work, they will be far more likely to respect you in return. More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people.

Focus On What Truly Matters:

The successful leaders consistently focus on the things that truly mattered. They are source of positive energy. They are helpful and genuinely concerned for other people’s welfare. They avoid personal criticism and pessimistic thinking. They always seem to have a solution and always know what to say to inspire and reassure.


Honesty, The Best Policy:

“The foundation of any relationship, both professional and personal, is honesty.”


Honesty is a key ingredients in leadership that lends itself to credibility. If you are honest, you add value to your life and the world around you. You count as one fewer deceptive player in the scheme of things and set yourself apart from others. It  builds strength of character that will allow you to be of great service to others. Honesty is something you can’t wear out. So try to be someone your people can trust.

Keep Inspiring:

“A Leader is who, takes more of the blame and takes less of the credit share”


Inspiring others is the mark of an effective leader. Leaders should be source of inspiration, and be a motivator towards the required action or cause.  Inspire people to achieve more than they may ever have dreamed possible. Create ‘can-do’ attitude, unlock inner power of people and sustain their commitment.


Holder of Values:

Stay strong on your terms,  that surely will give you the confidence to believe in what you have and what you do. But if you falter and let go your goals, the confidence will boost down, that you don’t want.

AlphaStars BestLife NLP Process Coach and Trainers with 22+ years of authentic NLP experience in India, providing NLP training as per international standards and certification licensed by Dr. Richard Bandler, co-creator of NLP.

AlphaStars team of coaches are known for Creating Innermost Shift and Magical Transformation in people

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