- BY nlpadmin2

Do you have a habit of starting projects, but not finishing them?
Starting anything is very easy, just as you and I make New Year’s resolutions each year. Since the world we live in is a digital world, tools to convert ideas to tangible products are easily accessible. If you have been taking action and working on your goals, that’s a big achievement and you should be proud of yourself! Getting started is your first step to realizing your goals.
The law of inertia tells us a body in motion stays in motion. Same goes for the goals you set and when you interrupt them, it becomes difficult to pick it up again. You start with a big bang but the fire fizzles out as you fail to keep up your motivation. Life gets in the way or you begin to procrastinate. So how do I tackle these issues?
Do a little bit everyday
Doing a little bit consistently every day has a major impact on the longer run. Let’s take a example, You spend 20 bucks on tea daily, that’s 7300 bucks per year which is a large amount but paying 20 bucks per day seems easy. Focusing on small, short term goals eases the pain in finishing the long term goals.
Stop pouting over the negatives
Failing is just the first step to success. Instead of losing hope over some failures, look at the positives and motivate yourself.
Face your fears
It’s harder to take actions and risk looking like a fool, to take responsibility and become accountable. The easier choices are staying in the comfort zone and having regrets for not daring. So whether you are trying to finish a simple day-to-day job or a ambitious project. Make a commitment to yourself to take action every day and always look at the positives.
Even you’ll be surprised how far you’ve come!
Siri Guru PrakashKaur Khalsa
BestLife-Executive NLP Coach and Trainer
Licensed and endorsed by Dr, Richard Bandler, co –creator of NLP
AlphaStars BestLife NLP Process Coach and Trainers with 22+ years of authentic NLP experience in India, providing NLP training as per international standards and certification licensed by Dr. Richard Bandler, co-creator of NLP.
AlphaStars team of coaches are known for Creating Innermost Shift and Magical Transformation in people
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