- BY nlpadmin2
There comes a time in your life when you put your feet in the corporate world. High Expectations from life, Excitement and Exuberance to work and make a name. In this course of time you learn many things that you can carry as lessons for life.
Identify your weakness and fears, find ways to overcome them
We know that no one is perfect, strengths and weaknesses are there in everyone. Recognize them, make an effort to overcome weaknesses and fears.
“Fear Is Not Good For Greats” ~Anonymous
Form a balance between your career and your personal life
It is good to give priority to your work but there needs to be a sense of understanding and responsibility towards your family and loved one’s. Remember that all this that we do is for them.
Learn to adapt and adjust
Be adaptive, Keep in mind that you have to adjust with the situations whether it is with the job that you don’t want or with the work. Being flexible in your attitude towards work matters a lot.
If you commit something, do it.
If you commit to an assignment given by higher management, you need to complete them at any cost. If you succeed completing a tough task in given time.It will benefit your reputation in the company
Be transparent to your colleagues and bosses
Give them an idea about the progress of your work, ask for suggestions and solutions if something is blocking your way. There needs to be a clear idea about the kind of work that you are doing to your colleagues and bosses who are associated with it.
Positive attitude and graciousness
Be a pleasure to the people around, keep positive approach towards any task. Even if its a blocking issues, being calm and positive towards it will make others feel confident in you. Greet when Someone helps you with lines like “Thrilled to work with you”
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