14 May 2016

While dealing I can now quickly identify the type of person is without “typecasting”. I know how to remain flexible and keep on dealing with them undisturbed. I can calibrate their response and preference. This makes my official negotiation smooth and family interaction fulfilled. In a nutshell I can say I have become a people […]

14 May 2016

Taking out full one week had been difficult for me. Now when I have attended it, believe me time fly passed and I feel more open to accept people. I am aware of new possibilities emerging in my life. I am so confident that I have planned a full one-week to go on vacation with […]

14 May 2016

I am absolutely delighted by the spectacular changes this workshop has brought inside me. I found radical shift in my perception. Let me admit I didn’t even know what is NLP when I joined the complete practitioner NLP course. So all I can say is just go ahead, don’t wait to have introduction class. Vandana […]

14 May 2016

I have achieved a lot of things that had been pending- got through entrance exams with just 25 days of preparation as I realized that it’s all in the mind and if I put myself in the best state of mind as taught by NLP with Alphastars, I can achieve anything and I did. Now […]

14 May 2016

I am so much transformed with BestLife NLP training by Alphastars. It is an incredible  change. I know exactly now what I would be doing in my life. I am chemical engineer and Vice-President in company, I am so equipped  now to get along well with my team mates and seniors in the organisation. Meta […]

14 May 2016

My Certification is my Light that shines through me now. I am so much delighted and  having learned NLP, both Practitioners and Master Practitioner level now I am changing the lives of many people. I am also associated with Asha Niketan , an institution for differently able people. NLP has inspired me so much that […]

14 May 2016

I came in touch with Sat and Siri  five years back. Since than I have taken their support in solving many complex cases in my NLP change sessions I undertake with individuals. My work is challenging and mission to help people life with a positive outlook. NLP is a perfect tool to help people make […]

14 May 2016

I can now see the practicality and usefulness of NLP skills in my passion of life coaching. During one of the short term well-formedness conditions of setting outcome exercise, I got sudden illumination, what do I want to do. I have set my path and I have acquired set of strategies to Make things happen. […]

14 May 2016

This is mind opening workshop. I am an ardent fan of Dr. Richard Bandler. The way Sat and Siri present Alphastars BestLife NLP Model, is beyond standards of excellence. Yes this the Best training I have ever attended out of so many in my professional span. On my personal front I can now excercise calm […]